Local-living info center and service wizard

Everyone has the right to create and utilize information


DePoW is a comprehensive platform that serves as your go-to resource for localized information and living guide in your area. This feature may help you make informed decisions about where to eat, shop, play, and explore. Whether you're a local resident or a traveler, DePoW is your ultimate companion, ensuring that you have the best experiences and discover hidden gems in your city.

Deeper value and social significance

Ever since humans had the concept of society, there has been a lack of fairness. Generally speaking, most of the social discourse power has been occupied by celebrities for a long time, and it is difficult for people at the bottom to truly and effectively speak out. We should do something on the occasion of the transition from web2 to web3 to change this status, exploring the establishment of a fairer voice mechanism so that even ordinary people can experience the joy of freedom of speech.

Remember in mind, abilities may vary in magnitude, but one's love remains steadfast. Scope may vary in size, but one's sincerity is evident. The journey may be bumpy, but we want to make it all worthwhile.

Last updated